The Everest Team
Meet the Dogs

Gaffstaff Round Two
Liberty comes to us from Philadelphia in the States. He comes down from legendary Yankeestaff and Quinlent lines and we are loving how he is turning out. He's an athletic, all around dog that does his best to assert himself in any and every situation. He's full of personality and for all his feistiness, also makes a great snuggler. His temperament makes him a fast favourite of anyone he meets and its common for us to be told he is "just such a good guy"
Everest Ares
Everest Ares is our keeper male from Samantha's March 2022 litter. He has really turned on as he has matured and is acting exactly like we hoped. He is a solidly built dog, with plenty of strength and tenacity. He is simultaneously one of the best house dogs, and also one of the best sport dogs. He loves everyone, all the time.


We went east to Montreal for this one. A prospect stud out of Gamestaff Jessie, sister of Wendy, and Knightwood Oak Travolta out of a legendary kennel in France. He has some crossover in his genetics with our other Gamestaff dogs, and brings in some new stuff from France that we are excited about. We have high hopes for Brock and so far he shows a lot of promise. He still has some growing to do, as he is in his lanky brat stage. But we think when he's done with his Brat summer he is going to be a pretty impressive dog. ​

Firestone's Double Portion
Samantha is the first Stafford we've had the privilege of owning, and in many ways she has set the standard. She is beyond intelligent and was a joy to train. She has amazed us at whatever we've tried her on, is always up for a challenge, and is a credit to the Firestone breeding program in Lethbridge. She is turning out to be a great mom too, with a couple of litters of amazing pups so far!
Everest Athena
Athena is our female keeper puppy from Samatha's spring 2022 litter. She is a little but noisy pup that makes sure her voice is heard. She has a nice head on her, lots of personality, and is a nice drivey dog. She is in a lot of ways, our ideal Stafford. An athletic combination of feistiness and intelligence.

Gamestaff Thug Rose
Rose is a girl we got in the spring of 2022 from Gamestaff. She is a fiery dog who makes known what she wants when she wants it. She's never one to back down from anything and thinks she runs the place! She's also a sweetheart who loves to cuddle up on the couch or bed and gives loads of kisses. She's very leggy and has grown into her athletic frame very nicely and is a fast, agile dog with no quit!
Gamestaff Freya
Freya is a dog that was a long time coming from our friends at Gamestaff Staffords. Since I met Freya's mom, Black Widow "Wendy", I knew I wanted a pup from her. Freya picked up some of her mom's best traits, and is turning out to be a smaller version of her mom in exactly the ways we hoped she would. She is turning out nicely and we are excited to see her continue to grow.

Everest Valkyrie
Valkyrie is our Keeper pup from Annie and Liberty's first litter, summer of 2023. She is still young but we are excited to watch her grow into her very large attitude, and put some of her drive to work later in life. She's of course being kept as a breeding prospect so we will be closely watching her as she grows to determine if she will stick around for the long run and have a place in our breeding program! So far we like what we see!
Everest The Preacher's Daughter
Holly is a keeper pup out of a litter with Rose, and Ares. She is a great mix of both of her parents, showing some of the fiesty athleticism of her mom, and the intelligent friendliness of her dad. We like what we see out of her so far and are happy to watch her grow up. She marks another step in the direction we are trying to take our kennel, and we are very proud of her.